Wednesday 9 November 2011

1.6 Tis' the season for tunes!

It's been a particularly good year for Christmas music this year, simply because a decent and harmless act decided to do a whole album! And I'm not talking about Bieber.

I'm talking about indie darlings She & Him! Seriously, since this record got announced, it's been crazy high on my radar. I am a total sucker for the Zooey Deschanel schtick (if you want to cynically refer to it as that.), and the retro chic quality of all their recordings to date just gets my warm and fuzzy side buzzing. I really wouldn't want the market to become saturated, there are after all, only so many Christmas songs, but when a group like this takes it on, the sound remains so original. It's a really exciting reminder of the greatest season of all, and a total gem in this years release catalogue.

Also, it would be my duty as a massive fan to inform everyone that Coldplay did write and release an original Christmas song last year, titled "Christmas Lights". The stunning cover art is pictured here. It's probably one of their absolute best songs, everyone should have it in heavy rotation this holiday season.

So, how does everyone feel about yuletide music? I don't think I have many readers (full stop there, really....) who don't celebrate Christmas, so this feels like a pretty open question. Love to see some comments and feedback!

TRY THESE TUNES: Coldplay "Christmas Lights", She & Him "A Very She & Him Christmas" (album), James Taylor "At Christmas" (album)

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