Wednesday 26 October 2011

1.1 - testing, and already testing my patience.

I like the idea of a blog. I enjoy free writing, and it's nice to organize my overfilled database of entertainment centered information somewhere other than the eardrums of those around me. Blogs seem easy, everyone and their dog has one these days, so why not make one?

I think I've started one or two in my lifetime, and I now remember why: If you don't have the patience for web design, your blog will look like garbage. And who wants a shite-looking blog? Not I.

However, I'm not going to back down off this one, I'm inspired to share news and opinions and reviews with whoever happens to stumble here. But I am backing off designing this. It's going to look awful for a while, until someone steps it up to help me out. I'm just not fighting with it.

I was most inspired to start this because of a simple discussion I had stemming from my contempt for a review published on NME's website. I don't have a problem standing behind my opinion, especially when it's a strong one, and I think by putting pen to paper (so to speak), my opinions can be documented and attacked accordingly.

This is a call to arms for any readers, present and future: I want this to be an outlet of discussion, communication and enlightenment. I want to share the things, culturally, that make me happy. Personal stuff could slip in, but this is a blog for what I deem buzz-worthy.

And I can attest, I'm buzzed daily.

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