Saturday 29 October 2011

1.4 Audiences with very little brain

I made a purchase on Bluray this week (shocking, I know.), and without a doubt, I think it's helped secure a movie as my favorite of the year, ousting one that I didn't think could be ousted. But here we are, and ladies and gentlemen, "Bridesmaids" may no longer be my favorite film of 2011. That title may now belong to "Winnie The Pooh".

The movie is simply a stunner across the board. Everyone who sees it is blown away, and they should be. The visuals, both in terms of color and performance, are so crisp and defined, yet totally capture the warmth of a classically animated film. Seeing hand drawn animation again is insanely refreshing, but the lack of competition in this category makes the film stand out even more.
I won't go in to details about the plot or the gags, but rest assured, this is one of the funniest movies of the year. A lot of the humor is "blink and you'll miss it", but you won't be able to tear your eyes away from the screen as it is, the film is just so interesting and beautiful.

Every character gets screentime that epitomizes the essence of their reputation. Eeyore, Tigger, Kanga and Roo, Rabbit, Owl and even Piglet all get these moments to shine, but in the end, the movie still belongs to Pooh Bear. The subtle looks or quick quips he makes are definitive of what is probably the most clever scipt written this year, and that is a statement I stand behind.

The film runs extremely short, but it remains a rare quality for a movie to end prematurely and truly leave you wanting more. You can blame it on this being a movie aimed for young children, but the content of this is meant to literally please everybody. The short runtime is incidental, and I guarantee when the credits roll (there's a scene after them!), you'll just start the movie over. It's seriously that good.

I can't rave about the movie enough, there's so much I'm not writing about, it just delivers on every level. Which is why I'm so pissed about the films success...

This movie was meant to bring Pooh back in to the mainstream, to create a success theatrically was all John Lassetter (Executive Producer on the film, head honcho of Pixar who got promoted to a top position for supervising ALL Disney movies) wanted. But guess what? Summer 2011 was a foolish time to release a movie like this, an utter gem. "Winnie The Pooh" went up against "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2". How do you think that went down? It was a fucking bloodbath. Did anyone KNOW this movie was in theaters? No way. Disney did absolutely NOTHING to promote the film, it's embarrassing how little apparent faith they had in the project.

Did you even SEE this poster at a theater?

The film remains one of the highest rated and reviewed of the summer. It destroyed all other animated offerings (Kung Fu Panda 2: 82%, Cars 2: 38%) with a 91% on Rotten Tomatoes, but barely made back its budget. It's a shame, because this should have been a hit. Which is why now, in the age of DVD and Bluray sales being more closely monitored by studios, viewing this movie at home is crucial to ensure films like this stand a chance.

I'm encouraging anyone and everyone who reads this to buy this movie. That's it, plain and simple. If you'd known in advance and acted quickly, there was a $5 off coupon for the Bluray+DVD+Digital Copy combo pack (ZING! Dollars saved!), but the price tag shouldn't matter. The film's only been out since Tuesday, and I think I've watched it five times. "Winnie The Pooh" may be my favorite movie of 2011, you have an obligation to see it. Films like this don't come along often.

Today's (Morning) Tunes: Winnie The Pooh Soundtrack (if you don't know much about it, you're gonna be shocked and fall in love right away), The Smiths "Hatful of Hollow" (album)

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